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Tuesday, February 17, 2015


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Online citizenship and social media platforms are made up of personal profiles, professional profiles and company profiles.  Often these different representations of people and entities are co-mingled on the same media space.  Business's want to promote products and services or connect with customers. Individuals might be shopping or just trying to share and communicate with their friends and family.

For a business it becomes important to know how to behave on which platforms. Being too pushy or sales oriented in the wrong place can earn you some bad public relations in a hurry. Certain types of social media, like Linkedin or Yelp, are geared mainly for professional and business use.  The other social medias, like Facebook, Youtube, and Twitter, have become a real mix of personal and business users.  I think the question has changed from if a user belongs on these platforms to how they belong on these platforms.

One thing is for sure: when a large market of potential customers is created by these social media channels, business will find a way in.

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