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Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Week Two - Have you ever experienced difficulty communicating with a business? Would social media have made it easier to get noticed or get your problem solved?

Is social media improving customer service?  My experience with business and customer service has mostly been a one sided communication similar to commercials of the past. Business's seem to use social media more as a marketing tool. Most business's simple post there information to get it out there and if they do have a comment section they never respond.  All the great tools in the world can not improve a company if they do not use them.

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On the other hand I do know that some the newer style tech forums and you tube channels that I follow and use do respond to the people who are watching.  I have had problems with understanding a process from a video or getting something to work right and by posting my question in the comments they have answered me and solve the problem.  I know that they also use viewer feed back to determine some of the content they produce.  This makes there business dynamic and responsive directly to there customers.

I don't know that I think bigger business's will ever be able to capitalize on the benefit of personal communication through social media because of the volume and scope of there customer bases.  Smaller businesses will be able respond faster and on a personal level I believe.  Bigger business's will move slower and tend toward the concerns of the masses through big data.

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