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Saturday, April 4, 2015

Week8, Twitter to educate yourself and expand your reach.

This week I used Twitter to find people and companies that I wanted to follow. I followed companies like Cisco, Microsoft, Bromium, and Palo Alto Networks because they always have news about leading security and technology issues. I will use this to help me stay up to date on the these issues and be able to pass the information along to my blog readers. I also placed the accounts that I followed into lists so that I can quickly look for the subject feeds that I want. I made lists for educational users, product manufacturers, and technology writers. It will allow me to share me tweets with certain groups as well to better match my audience with the content.

Finding the right people to follow was an educational exercise. There are a so many users out there and reading their tweets gave me a better idea of who I was really looking for. I think that this will be a continually evolving list at least for awhile. I already notice that it is important for me to limit the users I follow to avoid being overwhelmed by tweets.

Finding the best time for posting tweets will be hard for me to determine until I have more followers. As I continue to grow the sphere that I am touching I will look for those most effective tweet times.

I was able to link my Facebook page to Twitter and this will be very helpful in reducing the amount of work needed to post to both media channels.

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